White Gums
* Please note that images are a digital representation & actual jigsaw may vary slightly
"Grey-silvery bark flakes, curling up its edges all over the tree a telling sign that winter is here. The contorted snow white trunks shed there skin like dry paint revealing fresh new skin to the elements. Brittle branches are on the verge of breaking from the bough, logs, twigs and fallen leaves lay lifelessly scattered on the ground. Tuffs of green spindly grass sprout out as proof that life still blooms even when everything else is shedding off.
Shrouding mist wraps its spineless tentacles to trail around everything in its path. It drifts, ghosts, glides and dangles through the landscape. Then it pounces, once sure that it has conjured up enough of its milky white substance, it clings and enrobes everything it can, a wonderful sight to behold."
©Jaime Dormer